We, as the Designer Interviews ("DI") had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to interview award-winning, most creative and innovative ABC Design Communication ("ADC").

Designer Profile of ABC Design Communication

ABC Design Communication is an award-winning designer that helps make the World a better place with their original and innovative creations and advanced design works.

ABC Design Communication Designs

We are pleased to share with you original and innovative design work by ABC Design Communication.

Smoothies Food Branding

ABC Design Communication Design - Smoothies Food Branding

Espresso  Coffee Branding

ABC Design Communication Design - Espresso Coffee Branding

Serum Cosmetics Packaging

ABC Design Communication Design - Serum Cosmetics Packaging

Designer Interview of ABC Design Communication:

DI: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer?

ADC : From a young age, I was drawn to art and design. As a child, I reveled in using colors and pencils, painting everywhere—even on my house walls—as I brought my imagination to life through my drawings and designs. Growing up, I recognized that art was my unique means of expressing my emotions and ideas, which led me to pursue a career in design. I studied graphic design, interior design, and architectural design. Since then, I have worked with numerous companies and have run my own firm for the past 25 years. For me, design is a fusion of creativity and technical prowess, aimed at effectively communicating a message or an idea. I cherish the ability to express myself through my designs, creating works that resonate with others, inspiring joy and innovation. Being a designer is not just a profession; it’s a lifestyle and a form of expression that is irreplaceable for me.

DI: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio?

ADC : Absolutely! Our office embraces an open office concept, designed to foster an inspired and creative workspace. We have crafted a modern design set amidst trees, creating a sense of the great outdoors and connecting us with nature. Natural light streams in through large windows, and plants add a tranquil touch we all appreciate, while comfortable spaces are arranged for our team to work effectively. Our office is home to a team of creative individuals who constantly seek new ideas and challenges. We are also equipped with high-tech tools that assist in the realization of our projects. Overall, our office is a vibrant and creative workspace where collaboration and innovation are our core values.

DI: What is "design" for you?

ADC : For me, design is about creating functional and aesthetically appealing solutions that meet people's needs. It represents a mode of expression and creation that blends technique with art to produce products, services, or experiences that are useful, enjoyable, and user-friendly.

DI: What kinds of works do you like designing most?

ADC : We enjoy designing products that are innovative, creative, and truly represent the values and personality of the companies we work with. We are always on the lookout for new ways to stand out and express our uniqueness through design and creativity. We want our work to reflect our character and evoke interest and emotion in our clients. The opportunity to create something unique and impactful is a constant source of inspiration and joy for us.

DI: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it?

ADC : My favorite design project to date is the packaging for the oral hygiene product line for Frezyderm. The innovation of the container and its contents needed to be complemented by innovative packaging to differentiate the series from the competition. The cutting-edge and modern technique of printing with glitter in different colors helps the products stand out from each other. This glitter printing technique had to be applied not only to the cardboard box but also to the plastic container. After a series of tests, techniques, and inks, we achieved the desired result for the Toothpaste series, creating a harmonious look and a distinct identity. The modern, simple, and clean design reflects the product's quality with a pioneering printing technique that uses real glitter on both the box and the plastic container. This work earned us our first award and paved the way for a very exciting and interesting journey.

DI: What was the first thing you designed for a company?

ADC : The Intim Area Foam by Frezyderm is a gentle cleansing foam for the sensitive area, helping to maintain hygiene and the balance of the natural pH. When designing the Intim Area Foam, our goal was to highlight the exceptional user experience and the care it provides to women. The successful design of this product in 2001 has led to a long-standing and fruitful collaboration with the company that continues to this day.

DI: What is your favorite material / platform / technology?

ADC : My favorite material for creating packaging is paper. I believe paper is a versatile material that can be adapted to various shapes and sizes, allowing us to achieve a more impressive and refined result. With paper, we can create designs with different effects, add embossing or foil stamping, use spot UV, and incorporate various materials to give our packaging a high-quality feel. Additionally, paper is sustainable and recyclable, making it an environmentally friendly choice for packaging creation.

DI: When do you feel the most creative?

ADC : I feel most creative when I am in an inspiring environment and have free time to dedicate to creation. Music, nature, and the sea also help boost my creativity. Additionally, collaborating and engaging in dialogue with other creative individuals encourages and enhances my creative spirit.

DI: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing?

ADC : During the design process of new packaging, we focus on various aspects to ensure it is functional, aesthetically appealing, and practical for the end consumer. Sustainability is also a crucial factor we consider. We think about using sustainable materials and minimizing excess packaging to reduce environmental impact.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design?

ADC : Excitement, creativity, joy, anticipation, and satisfaction. Designing a new package represents an opportunity to express creativity and innovation, and to create something new and unique.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized?

ADC : When my designs come to life, I feel immense joy, satisfaction, and excitement. Seeing something I envisioned and created successfully realized, fills me with pride—for myself, my team, and the collective effort we put into creating something new.

DI: What makes a design successful?

ADC : A successful design encompasses the following characteristics: 1.Functionality: It must be practical and meet the user's needs. 2.Aesthetics: It should create visual interest and be appealing to the user's eye. 3.Consistency: It should have uniformity in colors, fonts, and overall style. 4.Clarity: It should be easily understandable by the user without complex functions. 5.Innovation: It should be innovative and stand out from the competition. These elements contribute to creating a successful design that will impress the audience and achieve success.

DI: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first?

ADC : Every design should be meticulously crafted, considering the goals and needs for which it was created. A good design must be clear and logically structured. If a design meets these criteria and achieves its objectives, it is deemed successful. Conversely, a design is considered poor if it does not align with the project's needs and expectations and fails to accomplish its goals.

DI: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment?

ADC : The responsibilities of a designer towards society and the environment when creating packaging are paramount. During the design process, a designer must consider environmental sustainability, waste reduction, and recycling, as well as the sustainable use of resources. Additionally, the designer should ensure consumer safety and protection, guarantee product protection during transportation and storage, and provide clear information and recognition for the consumer. Moreover, the designer must consider the social impacts of the packaging, such as fairness and its effects on consumer health and well-being. Therefore, packaging design should adhere to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility, ensuring optimal resource use and the protection of both the environment and society.

DI: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design?

ADC : The field of design is constantly evolving with the introduction of new technologies and the development of emerging trends and aesthetic preferences. Specifically, in the realm of packaging design, we anticipate a greater emphasis on sustainability and material recycling, as consumers become increasingly environmentally conscious. Additionally, we expect to see more personalization and customization to meet consumer needs, leveraging technologies like 3D printing and digital printing. Furthermore, we foresee more interactive packaging that offers a unique experience to the consumer. Overall, the future of packaging design promises to be more creative and innovative than ever before.

DI: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations?

ADC : My design inspiration comes from various sources. Firstly, I am influenced by nature and the colors surrounding me. I also study other works of art and design, whether they are historical pieces or contemporary trends and creations. My creativity is fueled by observing the world around me, my need for expression, and my love for design and art. Additionally, my travel experiences and the dazzling diversity of cultures, architectural styles, and customs with their unique histories and traditions serve as a significant source of inspiration for my work. Each era, region, and artist profoundly impacts me and motivates me to create something new and unique. The diversity and richness of cultural heritage are truly an inexhaustible source of inspiration and creativity for me.

DI: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design?

ADC : My design style is characterized by simplicity, clean lines, and modern aesthetics. I prefer a minimalist approach, focusing on sleek and functional design solutions. My exploration of this style began with my love for modernism and simplicity. The main feature of my style is restraint, with an emphasis on functionality and usability. When approaching the design of a new packaging, I start with the product's purpose and how it will be used. I then explore various design possibilities that could be highlighted, considering the audience's needs and the company's branding. My final approach focuses on the functionality, aesthetics, and efficiency of the packaging.

DI: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country?

ADC : I live in Athens, Greece. The cultural heritage of my country has certainly influenced my designs to some extent. The architecture, art, mythology, and philosophy of ancient Greece are sources of inspiration that shape my worldview and approach to design. The advantages of designing in Greece are the multifaceted influences I receive from the country's rich cultural heritage. From ancient Greek architectural styles and geometric order to modern trends in contemporary Greek aesthetics, there are numerous elements that can be integrated into my designs. However, there are some disadvantages to designing in Greece. The smaller scale of production sometimes limits our ability to create items that require large quantities to cover initial production costs. Additionally, bureaucracy and slow approval processes can delay the implementation of a design. Overall, though, the cultural heritage of Greece is a valuable source of inspiration, strengthening my approach and activities as a designer.

DI: How do you work with companies?

ADC : Our company collaborates with our clients in numerous ways. First and foremost, we always listen to their needs and opinions, striving to provide the best possible solutions to meet those needs. We maintain an open line of communication, ensuring that our clients can reach out to us directly with any issues or questions they may have. Additionally, we offer personalized service and support to each client, working diligently to find the right solutions for any problems they encounter. This close collaboration is built on mutual trust and cooperation, fostering strong and lasting relationships with our clients.

DI: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer?

ADC : Seek designers with experience in your field: It's crucial to find a designer who understands your market and your company's needs. Request samples of their work: A great way to assess a designer's capabilities is to review their portfolio and evaluate their style. Define your expectations for the collaboration: Have a clear idea of what you expect from your designer regarding timelines, costs, and outcomes. Communication: Open and continuous communication with the designer is essential for the successful completion of the project. Ultimately, selecting a good designer requires research, communication, and an understanding of your company's needs. With the right approach, you can find a designer who will help elevate your company to the next level.

DI: Can you talk a little about your design process?

ADC : The process of designing a new brand is a significant step that requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Initially, it's essential to establish clear goals and define our shared objectives. Once we have a clear target, we begin the design process, considering the name, logo, colors, and overall tone of the brand’s communication. An important step in the design process is understanding the competitive landscape and analyzing our target audience. We need to create a unique design that stands out from competitors and resonates with the desired audience. Next, we develop a comprehensive communication strategy, including advertisements, social media, and other communication channels. Finally, it is crucial to monitor the performance of our design and adjust our strategy based on market needs and feedback from our audience. This approach ensures that we create designs that are commercially successful and effectively communicate our brand's message.

DI: What are 5 of your favorite design items at home?

ADC : 1.A painting created by a dear friend. 2.A mask I bought in Kathmandu, Nepal, many years ago, which reminds me of a funny moment from the trip and my failed attempt to tell a lie to the seller. 3.A tiny book containing the key articles of the first Argentine constitution purchased at a market from a university professor after the IMF's entry into the country. 4.A large vintage wall mirror above the fireplace, with a unique design and visible wear from time, which fascinates me. 5.A painting I created when I started my company many years ago, reflecting the anxiety and excitement I felt back then.

DI: Can you describe a day in your life?

ADC : My day starts early in the morning with meditation. After that, I get ready for work and enjoy my coffee while reading the latest news and reviewing the day's schedule and projects. I meet with my team to discuss updates and plans for the day. Throughout the day, I am responsible for communicating with clients and coordinating with print partners to ensure a smooth workflow. As the head of an advertising agency, I need to be creative, and organized, and manage my time effectively. My work also requires close collaboration with my colleagues and responsiveness to clients' needs. At the end of the day, I usually evaluate the outcomes of my work and prepare for the next day. Although my job is demanding, my passion for advertising keeps me enthusiastic and creative every day.

DI: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers?

ADC : Make sure to focus on developing your own unique style rather than copying others. Push the boundaries and experiment with new ideas and techniques. Above all, don't let failure hold you back—every setback is an opportunity for learning and growth. Finally, remember that continuous practice and persistence are key to achieving success in the field of design.

DI: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer?

ADC : The positives of being a designer include the creativity and flexibility required to create something new and unique every day. Each client, project, and a new task is different. Additionally, the ability to express your ideas through design and the constant search for new ideas and approaches make every day unique for me. However, some drawbacks of being a designer can be the pressure to meet client demands and the stress of staying within their timelines. Innovating within specific time constraints is not something everyone can handle.

DI: What is your "golden rule" in design?

ADC : The golden rule I follow in design is simplicity and functionality. I believe that good design should be clean, readable, user-friendly, and serve its purpose without unnecessary additions. A minimalist approach can often be far more effective and appealing than an overloaded and excessive design.

DI: What skills are most important for a designer?

ADC : Some of the most important skills for a brand designer include: 1.Creativity: The ability to create innovative and attractive designs that stand out. 2.Knowledge of design trends: Staying informed about trends and developments in the design field. 3.Ability to communicate the company's goals: Effectively conveying a brand’s message and values through design. 4.Technical skills: Proficiency in using design tools and software. 5.Teamwork: The ability to collaborate with other design and marketing team members to achieve common goals. 6.Communication skills: Effectively communicating with clients, collaborators, and other team members. These skills are essential for a designer aiming to create remarkable and reliable design projects for a company.

DI: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.?

ADC : In our design process, we utilize various tools and sources of inspiration. Some of the tools we use include: Software: We use design programs like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to create logos, graphics, and other design needs. Applications: We utilize various apps for graphic design, social media content creation and management, project management tools, and libraries for purchasing photos or videos. Books: We read books on design, marketing, and design trends to learn new techniques and practices. Sources of inspiration: We seek inspiration from various media, such as design blogs, social media, art, photography, and anything that interests and inspires us to create unique and impressive designs. Frequent updates from typography, graphic arts, and packaging exhibitions in Europe and Asia. This year, our team has attended packaging exhibitions in Paris and Birmingham, and we will soon be attending the largest typography exhibition in Germany, Drupa, among others.

DI: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time?

ADC : To manage my time effectively during the design process, I use a variety of techniques and tools. First, I set clear boundaries and deadlines for each project or design task that needs to be completed. I then create a task list and prioritize it accordingly. Additionally, I use techniques and schedules to manage the different stages of design. Finally, I strive to maintain a balance between work and the time I dedicate to myself and my loved ones.

DI: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end?

ADC : The time required to design a product can vary greatly depending on its complexity and design requirements. Some projects might be completed in a few hours, while others could take months to finalize.

DI: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer?

ADC : The most frequent questions I get as a designer are usually about how to improve a design or how to choose the right colors and styles for a project. I’m also often asked for advice on enhancing their visual presence online or on social media.

DI: What was your most important job experience?

ADC : At the beginning of my career, I worked at several magazines where I learned a great deal about the production process of a publication. I collaborated with the entire spectrum of the production line of a major publication. This hands-on experience allowed me to gain practical skills in teamwork, project coordination, and content creation. It helped me develop essential organizational, time management, and communication skills critical for success in the communications field. I am grateful for this experience and the foundation it provided for my future growth.

DI: Who are some of your clients?

ADC : - Frezyderm - Violanta - Vian - Oscar choco factory - Minos foods

DI: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why?

ADC : I especially enjoy packaging design that involves creativity and innovation. I love thinking of new ways to present a product to consumers, offering them a unique experience and creating an eye-catching image that stands out on store shelves. Additionally, the opportunity to collaborate with various professionals, such as printers, inspires me and provides new ideas and perspectives. Finally, the satisfaction I feel when I see the final product and its impact on consumers makes me love packaging design even more.

DI: What are your future plans? What is next for you?

ADC : Continuous learning and development are essential for achieving success in both personal and professional life. It's important to invest in yourself through ongoing courses, seminars, workshops, and other events that help you develop new skills and expand your knowledge. By remaining open to learning and change, you'll be prepared to meet challenges and achieve your goals. I intend to continue learning and growing both personally and professionally.

DI: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself?

ADC : Collaboration can lead to significantly better outcomes, fostering creativity and interaction among individuals. Through collaboration, each person can combine their knowledge, skills, and ideas with those of others to create new and innovative solutions to problems and challenges. Additionally, collaboration strengthens trust and respect among team members, creating an atmosphere of open communication and mutual support. Ultimately, collaboration enhances the achievement of the group's goals and objectives, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and accomplishment.

DI: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about?

ADC : We are currently working on new projects, but due to confidentiality agreements, I cannot discuss them until they are completed.

DI: How can people contact you?

ADC : A company can contact me through various methods, such as: •Email: Send me an email at abcdesign@abcdesign.gr. •Phone: Call me directly at +30 210 8055001. •Social Media: Send me a message via the social media platforms I use, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. •Contact Form: Use the contact form on my website to send me a message: www.abcdesign.gr.

DI: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?

ADC : Yes, I would like to say that life is a continuous challenge and adventure, and we should seize every moment to learn and grow as individuals. We must remember that every difficulty or adverse condition can provide us with an opportunity to learn and showcase our strengths. Let's not be afraid to face challenges and remain optimistic and open to the opportunities that life may bring us.