We, as the Designer Interviews ("DI") had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to interview award-winning, most creative and innovative Odeabank A.S ("OA").

Designer Profile of Odeabank A.S

Odeabank is an incorporated company founded in 2012 by Bank Audi, a regional banking group based in Lebanon, operating in all areas of banking, including corporate, commercial, retail, investment, and private banking in 7 different countries. The mission is to facilitate banking with our unique products and expertise and to contribute to sustainable development with a sense of social responsibility. The vision is to be Turkey's leading "phygital" bank, offering the best digital experience integrated with authentic physical services.

Odeabank A.S Designs

We are pleased to share with you original and innovative design work by Odeabank A.S.

Odea Holistic Finance App

Odeabank A.S Design - Odea Holistic Finance App

Designer Interview of Odeabank A.S:

DI: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer?

OA : Damla: My passion for design led me to choose the architecture department at the university. Since childhood, I have always been interested in design, predominantly residential architecture. During university, European Architecture classes and the Erasmus program in Italy further solidified my fascination with historic buildings and design. I was intrigued by architectural solutions from different cultures. In project classes, we crafted architectural designs, considered the best user experiences in three-dimensional living spaces, preparing both 2D and 3D drawings and presentations. We searched for alternative solutions to user problems. Meanwhile, as the world went digital, my interest shifted towards designing for users in the digital realm, which became more appealing. So, I found myself immersed in design, continuously seeking user-centered solutions. Nihal: While preparing for university entrance exams, I came across the Industrial Design department while researching suitable professions. Although I can't say I always wanted to be a designer, speaking with professionals in the field made me realize that working in this area would bring me joy and personal growth. I discovered that the diversity and constant creativity in design are incredibly fulfilling. Throughout my education, I learned that all design disciplines ultimately share a common focus: the human, the user experience. Consequently, I directed myself toward user experience design, and I am thrilled to continue my career in this field after my graduation project. Can: Throughout my academic life, instead of studying with a pen in my hand, I would always find myself doodling. It was in high school when my teacher guided me towards design, and I realized how much I enjoyed this field. I got my first design job in university, and that's how my journey in design began.

DI: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio?

OA : Odeabank is a joint-stock company established on March 15, 2012. An application was made to the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency on June 20, 2012, to obtain an operational license, and on October 2, 2012, our Bank was granted the license. The Odeabank Design & CX Team was established in 2021, and since its inception, it has been providing services to all digital channels of Odeabank. Currently, the team consists of 10 members, including UX Designers, UI Designers, Visual Designers, and UX Writers. On March 8, 2023, the Odea application, which we have been working on for the past 2 years, was launched.

DI: What is "design" for you?

OA : Baran: I thoroughly enjoy expressing design as a form of tactile and visual experience. It serves as a bridge that connects me with the user in solving a problem. Design, to me, is a tool aimed at resolving issues by evoking a series of emotions and experiences that I envision.

DI: What kinds of works do you like designing most?

OA : Anıl: I thoroughly enjoy designing mobile products. Additionally, as a Visual Designer, I find great joy in creating animations, interactions, and illustrations. These aspects bring me the most happiness in my role. Gözde: I particularly enjoy designing mobile applications. When creating user experiences, I take pleasure in utilizing components from a library to create wireframes and then designing components that align with the flow while maintaining page coherence. Damla: I enjoy working with both UX and UI designs on mobile screens. During the conceptual phase, I delight in brainstorming and generating various sketches to create potential scenarios and narratives.

DI: What was the first thing you designed for a company?

OA : Damla: Odea is my first company in my professional career, and the Onboarding Gift project is my first design here.

DI: What is your favorite material / platform / technology?

OA : Anıl: I'm thrilled by the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro product. The idea of designing spatial experiences on an infinite canvas with limitless possibilities is incredibly exciting to me. Can: I can say that Framer has made a great leap forward in recent times and accomplished a remarkable job. I remember the days when I first used it as a design application. Now, they have transformed themselves into a platform capable of creating products and pages in the no-code field. I have been enjoying using it for a long time.

DI: When do you feel the most creative?

OA : Anıl: My most creative and productive hours are between 10 am and 2 pm during the day and between 10 pm and 2 am at night.

DI: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing?

OA : As a team, our foremost considerations in design are usability and inclusivity. By prioritizing usability, we strive to create the most seamless experiences for our users and minimize pain points within these experiences as our primary objective. The notion of inclusivity stems from our desire to design positive experiences for every individual. To ensure that inclusivity is at the forefront of all our digital channels, we collaborate with people of all ages, diverse backgrounds, and varying abilities to create new experiences.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design?

OA : As a team, the design phase is our favorite stage when working on a product or feature. During this phase, we are filled with excitement as we strive to explore new possibilities. We find pleasure in conducting benchmarking exercises, and when conducting user research, we approach it thoughtfully, focusing on the user without losing sight of the next steps. Our aim is to understand the pain points experienced by users, which in turn cultivates empathy within us.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized?

OA : Anıl: As someone who perceives life as a series of checkboxes, I experience a great sense of relief when designs are completed. Especially when I emerge from a long-term project, seeing checked checkboxes on the blackboard of my mind is something I truly enjoy. It provides me with motivation to move on to the next task.

DI: What makes a design successful?

OA : As a team, we believe there are several criteria that contribute to the success of our designs. First and foremost are user feedback and insights. They enable us to assess if there are any gaps in our designs and, if so, we proactively address them. Secondly, we measure the number of users who start using or re-engage with our digital channels. With our new application, Odea, we achieved a 40% re-engagement rate among dormant users on our mobile app. Another crucial aspect is the feedback we receive from the stakeholders we collaborate with as the Design & CX team. Whether it's the Product Owner or the technology teams, the acceptance and approval of our designed experiences by stakeholders have been instrumental in bringing us to our current position.

DI: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first?

OA : Damla: Before critiquing a design as good or bad, I look into the backstory of the design. I explore where it draws inspiration from, what it aims to convey, and who its target audience is. If the story revolves around improving the UX/UI experience, I proceed with a comparison between the previous and current versions. I examine whether the problem was accurately identified and whether the proposed solution effectively caters to the target audience's needs. Gözde: Firstly, I assess whether the design is understandable in terms of user experience. I consider whether the flows progress smoothly and if there is coherence in the interface language. I also evaluate if the design aligns with the corporate identity. Additionally, I analyze whether there is progress compared to the previous version. By asking questions such as these, I determine whether the design is deemed good or bad.

DI: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment?

OA : Odea's goal is to promote the digital financial transformation of society, encouraging individuals to make healthy investments and manage their finances more effectively. With its academic side, the app wants to influence financial literacy positively and help hesitant investors explore the market deeper to make accurate decisions. Because of the recent fluctuations in the Turkish market, small investors are more prone to risks and need guidance more than ever before. Odea's initial step towards digital transformation was to shift the customer onboarding process online, thereby reducing paper usage and minimizing the need for customers to visit the branch.

DI: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design?

OA : Anıl: The future of design undoubtedly lies in the digital realm. We now have a world that extends beyond our phones, tablets, and computers, embracing wearable technologies and offering experiences beyond what we perceive with our naked eyes. As designers, we need to keep up with this rapid pace because almost every day introduces us to new domains where we can explore and immerse ourselves.

DI: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations?

OA : As a team, our process begins with seeking inspiration through thorough research. This research encompasses user interviews, market research, benchmark analyses, and competitive research within our field. From these sources, we gather insights that inform our design concepts. These insights not only guide our work within our specific domain but also inspire ideas from other areas. The next step involves finding relevant examples and case studies that align with our design concept. We explore various resources, including design websites such as Behance and Dribbble, to observe different usage scenarios and gather inspiration. This helps establish a foundation for our creativity and informs our design approach. After completing these initial steps, we proceed to the design phase, where we begin conceptualizing and creating solutions based on the insights and inspirations we have gathered.

DI: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country?

OA : As a team, we reside in Istanbul, Turkey, and we acknowledge the significant influence our country has on our design language. As designers serving in the financial sector, we understand the possibility of rapid changes in the financial landscape of our country. Therefore, we remain constantly prepared to adapt to these potential shifts, ensuring that our users are minimally affected by such changes. This necessitates us to work diligently and swiftly, aiming to provide solutions that are versatile and responsive. However, it is important to note that these fast-paced changes may occasionally limit the time we can allocate to certain stages of the design process.

DI: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer?

OA : Anıl: Firstly, it is essential to create an environment for designers where they can develop themselves and also contribute to the growth of those around them. To achieve this, companies need to provide the necessary resources and be willing to invest in new areas. Additionally, my recommendation to designers is to seek inspiration from every available source. Over time, you will naturally develop your own design language and take steps accordingly. As designers, we should remain open to new opportunities and experiences, as it is during the journey that we truly discover where our field can take us.

DI: Can you talk a little about your design process?

OA : Elif: Understanding the problems thoroughly and identifying the pain points of individuals according to the given brief is crucial in my opinion. Following this, it is important to create a roadmap and plan to address these issues effectively. Planning allows us to make all the steps visible and gradually shape our design process. By considering the needs of the personas, examining the user journey, conducting research and benchmarking in relevant areas, and providing solution proposals for problematic areas, we can create a new user journey and complete our project. This process appears meaningful to me, as it allows us to address challenges and deliver impactful solutions while considering the users' needs.

DI: Can you describe a day in your life?

OA : Elif: On my workdays, I usually start my day by listening to my favorite music, which helps me set a positive tone for the day. During this time, I also enjoy reading articles on design and technology topics that interest me on platforms like Medium and TechCrunch. After the daily meetings, I focus on working on tasks from my to-do list according to my plan. Additionally, I always make sure to brew myself herbal tea, as it adds a touch of relaxation and refreshment to my work routine.

 Anıl: I start my day by following my daytime skincare routine, prioritizing self-care. Afterward, I prepare a coffee and sit at my computer to determine which tasks I will tackle for the day. If any urgent requests come in, I communicate to the other party that I will address them on the following day without disrupting my daily plan. After the daily meetings, I prepare breakfast and watch a TV show episode. This helps me relax and clear my mind. During my work time, I always have my favorite music or audiobooks playing in the background, allowing me to concentrate on my work and enjoy the moment simultaneously. Nihal: I start my day by making a cold coffee. While sipping my coffee, I open my computer and check my emails first. Then, before the daily meeting, I review and prioritize the tasks I need to do that day. After the daily meeting, I try to complete at least one of my morning tasks. It makes me feel more productive for the rest of the day. Later, I have breakfast and divide the remaining tasks throughout the day to get them done.

DI: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer?

OA : Damla: Finding inspiration and generating ideas when starting a design is a time-consuming process that involves various research and sketching. This phase is actually the longest part. Once decisions are clear, completing the design becomes much easier. However, design is a relative concept. There is no one-size-fits-all formula like 2*2=4. A design that some may find excellent might be considered inadequate based on someone else's life experiences. Similarly, there is no end to what is considered good. The best solutions are always discovered over time. That's why, when working on a project with a deadline, all we can do is give our best. Later, when you look back at your designs, you might realize there were better alternatives, and you may wish you had done things differently. On the other hand, it is also a highly enjoyable field where time flies, and you find yourself learning something from every topic, leaving with new knowledge in hand.

DI: What is your "golden rule" in design?

OA : Our golden rule in design is to prioritize our users and stakeholders, aiming to be as inclusive as possible. We evaluate our design approach based on their feedback and make necessary adjustments, ensuring a balance between user objectives and business objectives within these boundaries.

DI: What skills are most important for a designer?

OA : We believe that critical thinking and approaching insights with accuracy, being versatile, and conducting appropriate research based on the concept are the most crucial skills for designers.

DI: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.?

OA : As a team, we utilize Figma for our designs and FigJam and Miro for our workshops. Our Visual Designer uses Adobe Creative Cloud applications for illustrations and animations. To benchmark globally, we refer to websites such as 11FS and Mobbin. We maintain a Financial Design Glossary within our team, treating it as a living library, and we strive to keep it up to date. Dribbble and Behance serve as valuable resources for our concept research. To stay current in the financial industry, we closely monitor the websites and social media platforms of our local competitors. We also stay informed about the fundamental elements of design through sources like NNG, Interaction Design Foundation, Material Design library for the Android operating system, and Apple Design Foundation for the iOS operating system.

DI: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time?

OA : Gözde: When I feel stuck at a certain point, I immediately seek help from my teammates to resolve the issue quickly. Another method I use is breaking down tasks and planning what to do next after completing one segment. This way, I manage my time efficiently while staying in communication with the team. Daily meetings and retrospectives help us stay current and make the most of our time. Nihal: I'm actually just starting to learn how to manage my time effectively, and I'm trying out some methods. One thing I noticed is that when I can focus and work without any distractions around me, I make much faster progress. It may sound cliché, but the Pomodoro technique is really helpful for this. Additionally, prioritizing my tasks at the beginning of the day and starting with one I've been avoiding, on the days I manage to do it, works wonders for me.

DI: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end?

OA : The time span for a product or feature can vary greatly depending on its nature. However, speaking specifically about the Odea application, it involved a significant time and human effort spanning two years, starting from the inception of the idea, establishing the strategy, setting up the service infrastructure, designing the interface, implementing the solution, conducting user tests and UAT (User Acceptance Testing), and ultimately resolving all findings to release the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Even after the release, we are continuously enhancing and adding new features to the Odea application.

DI: What was your most important job experience?

OA : Nihal: Odeabank is my first and, therefore, the most significant work experience I've had so far. It's incredibly exciting to work with a large team for the first time and see the real-world impact of the projects we create together.

DI: Who are some of your clients?

OA : Power Users: Our power users are the backbone of our bank. They inspire us to create better opportunities and insights for the experienced. However, they could always benefit from the valuable advice Otto has to offer them. They prefer to manage daily finances quickly and easily, so ease of use, as well as agility, is essential to them. They prefer saving time and don't want to be bothered with non-essential logistics and chores. Conservative & Traditional Investors: Our traditional investors are looking for guidance in a vast area with endless opportunities. Their lack of financial literacy pushes them towards conventional products such as FX and gold. Their ultimate goal is to make the most of their money to protect the near future while still having access to funds when needed. They also require regular attention and care from RMs, as RMs are the ones taking care of their money. Hesitant Investors: Our hesitant investors need a little bit of heartening that will give them the confidence they need from a bank. Their lack of trust in the sector prevents them from expanding beyond their investment portfolio. They deserve to feel appreciated and secure while getting out of their comfort zones and maintaining their current wealth.

DI: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why?

OA : Anıl: I derive immense pleasure from the realm of animation and motion design. I am aware that there are countless facets to explore in this field, and this prospect fills me with excitement. I embrace the knowledge that there is a wealth of uncharted territory waiting to be discovered, igniting my passion for continual growth and innovation within the realm of animation and motion design.

DI: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself?

OA : In our team, each member works on different channels, features, or specific areas, so we initially work individually. Once we have made progress and determined the design direction, we discuss the designs during weekly retrospectives and make revisions based on internal feedback. Therefore, we prioritize personal and team time, striving to work efficiently and effectively.

DI: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about?

OA : Currently, we have several ongoing projects in the design phase at our team. These include the Odeabank website redesign, RM Dashboard development, ATM redesign, and continuous enhancements and updates for the Odea application. We are excited about these projects as they involve improving user experiences, optimizing functionality, and staying at the forefront of industry trends. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality designs and ensuring that these projects meet the needs and expectations of our users.

DI: How can people contact you?

OA : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ezgi-demir-6a236223/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/anilserim/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceydaelci/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/elif-arslan-58400476/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/canfirat/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorukozyurt/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/g%C3%B6zde-g%C3%B6kmen/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/baranbaydeniz/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/nihal-karaman-a950a7173/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/damla-celen-194455105/