We, as the Designer Interviews ("DI") had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to interview award-winning, most creative and innovative 陳俊男 ("陳俊男").

Designer Profile of 陳俊男

He comes from Taiwan. His design concept emphasizes the natural harmony of space and the interaction between people, space and the natural environment. By re-planning the space to improve the quality of life, people can live in a more comfortable environment. This design concept of people-oriented and attaching importance to the interaction between the natural environment and space helps to create a space more suitable for living and working, so that people can better integrate into the surrounding environment. Such a concept is of great significance for creating a comfortable and livable space, and can create a better living environment for people.

陳俊男 Designs

We are pleased to share with you original and innovative design work by 陳俊男.

Chen Home Residential

陳俊男 Design - Chen Home Residential

Designer Interview of 陳俊男:

DI: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer?

陳俊男 : I graduated from the Department of Space Design of Taiwan Shih Chien University. I like painting since I was a child and later engaged in interior design. We do what we love together and find a job that you love. Then you will be free all your life. If you like this profession, you can really think about life, feel life and experience the happiness brought by design.

DI: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio?

陳俊男 : XY Design is an interior design company that focuses on the pursuit of the harmony of natural space. It emphasizes the interaction between people and space and the natural environment, and improves people's quality of life in space through space planning. They are committed to integrating this design concept into each project, focusing on the provision of services in the fields of luxury house design, old house renovation and commercial space.

DI: What is "design" for you?

陳俊男 : Create a natural and harmonious space environment, observe people in space and their relationship with nature, and improve the quality of life of people in space through design planning.

DI: What kinds of works do you like designing most?

陳俊男 : Research and exploration: Actively research and explore different design styles, trends and works can inspire new ideas and design directions. Thinking space: Create an imaginative and creative thinking space for yourself, such as meditation, walking or relaxing in nature. Discussion with others: Sharing ideas and exchanging design views with others can stimulate new thinking and views and promote the generation of creativity. Experiment and practice: Have the courage to try new design methods and technologies, challenge yourself through practice and experiment, and get growth and new inspiration from it.

DI: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it?

陳俊男 : Chen Home. Transform the old dormitory into a modern house, combining new and old elements, and present a modern feeling with square cement hollow bricks and dark gray aluminum grilles on the outside. The first floor is a public space, providing entertainment, catering and communication functions, and the second floor is a private area to meet the needs of life. The design pays attention to the choice of tones and materials to provide a comfortable and modern living environment for residents. With the epidemic, the home space needs to have work, business and learning functions, becoming a new type of life, providing a comfortable home work and learning environment.

DI: What was the first thing you designed for a company?

陳俊男 : The company Logo

DI: What is your favorite material / platform / technology?

陳俊男 : I like local materials or natural materials.

DI: When do you feel the most creative?

陳俊男 : Time alone: Time alone can make people focus on their inner thinking and help stimulate creativity and unique ideas. Exercise and physical activity: Exercise and physical activity can promote the brain to release dopamine, which helps to improve creativity and inspiration. Natural environment: The beauty and quiet environment of nature help to relax and inspire creativity and inspiration.

DI: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing?

陳俊男 : Functionality: Ensuring that the design meets the intended purpose and functions effectively is essential. Designers focus on creating spaces or products that are practical, user-friendly, and serve their intended use efficiently. Aesthetics: The visual appeal and aesthetic quality of the design play a vital role. Designers pay attention to color schemes, textures, shapes, and overall visual harmony to create an attractive and visually pleasing design. User Experience : Considering the user's perspective and experience is crucial in design. Designers focus on making the design intuitive, user-friendly, and enjoyable for the end-user, prioritizing usability and accessibility.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design?

陳俊男 : Resonance: Understand and resonate with the needs, expectations and challenges of users, and deeply understand their background and situation through research and observation of users. Definition: Define problems and challenges, determine the focus and goal of design, clarify the scope and purpose of design, and ensure that the direction of design thinking is clear.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized?

陳俊男 : Continuous learning and exploration: Continuously learn and explore new design trends, technologies and concepts, and maintain curiosity and thirst for knowledge in the field of design. Observe and study the market: pay close attention to market and industry dynamics, understand user needs and trends, and adjust the design direction according to market feedback.

DI: What makes a design successful?

陳俊男 : Set high-challenge goals: Set challenging design goals and tasks for yourself and challenge your limits, which helps to stimulate creativity and develop new skills. Try new styles and technologies: Have the courage to try new design styles, technologies and tools, challenge your comfort zone, and explore different design possibilities. Accept feedback and challenges: Take the initiative to seek feedback and comments from others, accept challenging opinions and suggestions, and learn and grow from them.

DI: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first?

陳俊男 : 功能性:設計是否能有效地完成其既定功能?是否符合使用者需求?功能性是設計的基本要求之一。 美觀性:設計是否具有視覺吸引力?色彩搭配、版面設計、圖像選擇等因素都會影響設計的美觀性。 易用性:設計是否易於使用?使用者是否能夠快速上手並順利完成操作?良好的易用性是提高使用者滿意度的重要因素。 一致性:設計是否保持一致性?例如,在不同頁面或功能中是否使用相同的風格和布局,以提供使用者一致的使用體驗。 可存取性:設計是否考慮到不同使用者的需求,包括行動裝置使用者、視障人士等?設計應該是對所有人都友好的。 創新性:設計是否具有創新性?是否採用了新穎的設計理念或技術?創新性可以讓設計在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出。 可持續性:設計是否考慮到環境和社會的可持續性?例如,在材料選擇和設計生命週期方面是否有考量。

DI: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment?

陳俊男 : Social responsibility: Create a functional space: Interior designers should ensure that the designed space meets the needs of users and provide a comfortable, safe and practical living environment. Promote social integration: Designers should take into account the needs of different social groups, including the elderly, the disabled, etc., to promote social integration and tolerance. Respect cultural differences: In the design process, local cultural characteristics should be respected and embodyed to avoid infringement or distortion of local culture. Environmental responsibility: Sustainable design: Interior designers should advocate the use of environmentally friendly materials, design energy-saving and environmentally friendly spaces, and reduce the negative impact on the environment. Waste management: During the design process, we should consider the source and treatment of materials, reduce the generation of waste as much as possible, and advocate recycling. Air quality: Designers should consider air quality and choose green plants, low-volatile organic matter and other ways to improve indoor air quality.

DI: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design?

陳俊男 : 數位設計的普及:隨著數位化的發展,數位設計將成為主流,設計師需要具備數位技能和跨領域合作能力。 人性化設計的重要性:關注使用者需求和體驗將更加突出,設計師需要將人性化設計融入到產品和服務中。 可持續設計的優先:可持續設計將成為不可或缺的設計原則,設計師需在設計過程中考慮環境和社會影響。 跨界合作的興起:設計師與科技、商業、社會等領域的合作將更加緊密,共同創造具有影響力的解決方案。

DI: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations?

陳俊男 : 設計的創作靈感來源廣泛多樣,設計師需要保持敏銳的觀察力和開放的心態,從周圍環境和生活中不斷吸取靈感,激發創造力,並將其轉化為具有獨特性和意義的設計作品。

DI: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design?

陳俊男 : 設計風格:現代風格(現代):強調簡潔、線條流暢、功能性為主,注重空間利用和光線。 設計方法: 設計思維(設計思維):以戶需求為中心,透過觀察、定義、點子、原型和測試等步驟解決問題。 原型設計(原型設計):透過快速製作原型試驗概念,從中學習和改進設計。 使用者體驗設計(使用者體驗設計):專注於使用者體驗,透過研究使用者行為和需求,設計易用,直觀的產品或服務。

DI: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country?

陳俊男 : 風格和元素取材:國家文化遺產中的建築、藝術、手工藝等元素常常成為設計師創作的靈感來源。這些元素可以是特定的圖案、色彩、形狀或裝飾,為設計帶來豐富的文化底蘊。 文化象徵與意義:設計師通過將國家文化符號和象徵融入設計中,表達對當地文化的尊重和認同。這有助於保留和傳承國家的獨特文化特色。 功能與實用性:國家文化遺產的建築結構和設計理念可能影響設計師對功能和實用性的看法。某些傳統建築方式和設計概念可能會影響到現代設計的實踐方式。 社會價值觀:國家文化遺產中體現的價值觀和信仰也會影響設計師的設計選擇。這包括對自然、社區、家庭等價值的重視,在設計中體現出來。

DI: How do you work with companies?

陳俊男 : 建立聯繫和建立關係: 確定您想要與哪家公司合作,研究他們的業務、價值觀和需求。 通過電子郵件、電話或面談建立聯繫,介紹您自己和您的公司,表達您對合作的興趣。 提出合作建議: 清楚地闡述您希望與公司合作的具體方式和價值主張。 提出具體的合作建議,例如合作項目、合作模式、預期成果和利益分享方式。 協商合作條件: 與公司協商合作條件,包括合作協議、合作期限、費用結構和風險分擔。 確保合作條件清晰明確,雙方理解並同意合作的細節。 建立合作計劃: 制定合作計劃,明確界定合作目標、時間表和責任分工。 確保合作計劃符合雙方的期望和需求,並有助於順利實施合作項目。 執行合作和跟進: 積極參與合作項目,與公司團隊合作,確保工作按計劃進行。 定期與公司聯繫、跟進合作進度,解決問題並調整計劃以確保合作項目的成功。 評估和反饋: 完成合作項目後,進行評估和反饋,了解合作的成效和改進空間。 確保與公司保持良好的關係,探索未來的合作機會並建立持續的合作夥伴關係。

DI: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer?

陳俊男 : 審查設計師的作品集:查看設計師的作品集,了解其風格、創意和專業水平。確保設計師的作品符合公司的品牌形象和價值觀。 了解設計師的專業背景:評估設計師的教育背景、工作經驗和專業資格。專業背景和經驗能夠反映設計師的能力和可靠性。 溝通能力和合作精神:確保設計師具有良好的溝通能力和團隊合作精神。良好的溝通能力有助於確保設計師能夠理解公司需求並與團隊有效溝通。 專業態度和承諾:選擇一個專業且對工作充滿熱情的設計師。設計師應該有良好的職業操守,能夠按時交付高質量的設計作品。 參考和口碑:查看設計師的客戶評價和案例研究,以獲得關於設計師能力和專業性的更多信息。也可以向其他公司或業界同行取得推薦。 價值觀和創意思維:確保設計師的價值觀與公司相符,並具有豐富的創意思維和設計解決問題的能力。

DI: Can you talk a little about your design process?

陳俊男 : 需求分析和目標設定:在這個階段,設計師會與客戶進行會議,了解客戶的需求、喜好和預算限制。設計師會確定設計項目的目標和範圍。 概念設計:在這個階段,設計師會根據客戶的需求和目標創建初步的概念設計。這可能包括草圖、平面布局、色彩方案和材料選擇等。 設計發展:一旦確定了概念設計,設計師將進一步發展設計方案,包括具體的空間規劃、家具配置、燈光設計和裝飾風格等。 設計確認和修改:設計師將向客戶展示設計方案,並根據客戶的反饋進行修改和調整,確保設計方案符合客戶的期望和需求。 施工圖和規格:一旦確定最終設計方案,設計師將製作施工圖和詳細規格,包括材料清單、施工細節和裝飾元素。 施工監督和管理:在施工階段,設計師可能負責監督施工進度、確保工程質量和協調不同承包商的工作。 完工驗收和後續服務:當室內設計項目完成後,設計師將與客戶一起進行完工驗收,確保設計符合要求。此外,設計師可能提供後續服務,如家具配置、軟裝擺放和維護建議。

DI: Can you describe a day in your life?

陳俊男 : 清晨: 早晨,太陽漸漸升起,柔和的陽光透過窗戶灑進房間,溫暖的光線喚醒了我。 我悠悠起床,開始一天的早晨儀式,沖個溫暖的淋浴,享受清新的早晨。 上午: 在早餐時間,品嚐美味的咖啡和新鮮的水果,為一天注入能量。 接著,我著手處理一些工作事務,回覆郵件、安排會議,為一天的工作做好準備。 中午: 中午,我與同事一起享用美味的午餐,一邊談笑風生,一邊放鬆身心。 午餐後,我可能會進行一些休息活動,如散步、閱讀或聆聽音樂,讓大腦得到休息。 下午: 下午是辛勤工作的時候,我投入到各種專案和任務中,充滿挑戰和樂趣。 與同事合作、解決問題、實現目標,讓我感到充實和有成就感。 傍晚: 傍晚時分,我與家人或朋友一起共度時光,享用美味的晚餐,分享一天的點滴。

DI: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers?

陳俊男 : 不斷學習和成長:保持好奇心,持續學習新的設計技能和趨勢。參加工作坊、課程或研討會,不斷提升自己的專業知識。 建立作品集:定期更新並維護個人作品集,展示你的設計風格和能力。作品集是展示你的設計作品和吸引潛在雇主或客戶的重要工具。 與導師或專業人士交流:尋找導師或專業人士作為指導者,向他們尋求建議和指導。他們的經驗和建議將對你的成長和發展有所幫助。 多元化設計技能:除了專精於某一領域外,嘗試學習和掌握不同類型的設計技能,這將使你更具競爭力並擴大就業機會。 參與設計社群:加入設計社群或在線設計平台,與其他設計師交流意見、分享資訊,建立人脈關係。 保持創造力和熱情:保持對設計的熱情和創造力,挑戰自己,勇於嘗試新的設計理念和技術。 注重細節和溝通:在設計過程中要注重細節,並學會有效溝通和解釋設計概念,以確保項目的成功。 堅持和耐心:設計是一個持續學習和成長的過程,堅持和耐心是取得成功的關鍵。

DI: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer?

陳俊男 : 優點: 創造力發揮空間大:設計師可以盡情展現創意和想像力,通過設計創造出獨特和引人入勝的作品。 富有成就感:看到自己的設計作品被實現並被用戶或客戶所喜愛,帶來巨大的成就感和滿足感。 多樣性:設計領域涵蓋廣泛,從平面設計到產品設計、室內設計等,可以根據自己的興趣和專長選擇適合的領域。 影響力:設計師的作品可以影響人們的生活和情緒,對社會和文化產生重要的影響力。 缺點: 主觀性強:設計是具有主觀性的領域,不同人對設計的評價和喜好有所不同,需要處理各種不同意見和反饋。 時間壓力:設計項目通常有嚴格的時間限制,需要在有限的時間內完成設計工作,這可能會帶來壓力和挑戰。 需不斷學習更新:設計領域變化快速,需要不斷學習和掌握新的設計趨勢和技術,以保持競爭力。 客戶需求不確定:客戶的需求常常不明確或會在設計過程中變化,需要具有良好的溝通能力和靈活性來應對。

DI: What is your "golden rule" in design?

陳俊男 : 黃金法則是一項倫理準則,也稱為「他人如何對待你,你也應該如何對待他人」。這條法則要求人們對他人採取善良、尊重和同理心的態度,以相同的方式對待他人,如同他們希望被對待一樣。這一原則在各種宗教、哲學和倫理體系中都有所提及,強調了互相尊重和善待他人的重要性。

DI: What skills are most important for a designer?

陳俊男 : 創意與美感:室內設計師需要具備豐富的創意和優秀的美感,能夠創造出獨特而具有吸引力的設計方案。 設計能力:擁有優秀的設計能力,包括空間規劃、色彩搭配、材料選擇等方面的技能,能夠將客戶的需求轉化為實際的設計方案。 溝通能力:良好的溝通能力是室內設計師必備的技能,能夠與客戶、建築師、承包商等各方有效溝通,確保設計方案的順利實施。 專業知識:具備相關的室內設計專業知識,包括建築結構、材料特性、照明設計等方面的知識,能夠為設計提供專業的支持。 技術能力:熟練掌握相關設計軟件和工具,能夠將設計構想以圖形方式清晰呈現,並理解施工過程中的技術要求。 時間管理能力:能夠有效管理時間,合理安排工作進度,確保項目按時完成並符合客戶的要求。

DI: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time?

陳俊男 : 制定清晰的目標:確定你的目標和優先事項,將它們明確地列出來,這有助於你專注於重要任務。 使用日程表或計畫表:將你的任務、會議和活動記錄在日程表或計畫表中,安排好每天的工作安排。 避免拖延:學會拒絕不必要的干擾和誘惑,專注於完成任務,不要拖延。 分配時間:將時間分配給不同的任務或活動,合理安排時間,避免時間浪費。 學會優先順序:優先處理重要且緊急的任務,然後再處理其他次要的事項。 休息和放鬆:不要忽略休息和放鬆的重要性,給自己一些休息時間,以提高工作效率。

DI: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end?

陳俊男 : 設計一個完整的室內設計案需要的時間長度會因多個因素而異,包括項目的規模、複雜性和客戶需求等。一般來說,從頭到尾設計一個室內設計案可能需要的時間大致如下: 需求分析和目標設定:這個階段通常需要1至2週的時間,取決於與客戶溝通的頻率和客戶需求的清晰程度。 概念設計:創建初步的概念設計可能需要2至4週的時間,以確保設計師可以充分考慮各種方案和選擇。 設計發展:進一步發展設計方案可能需要4至8週的時間,包括空間規劃、家具配置和裝飾風格等細節的設計。 設計確認和修改:確認和修改設計方案可能需要1至2週的時間,根據客戶的反饋進行調整和修改。 施工圖和規格:製作施工圖和規格可能需要2至4週的時間,確保所有細節和材料清單都準確無誤。 施工監督和管理:監督施工和協調不同承包商的工作可能需要4至12周的時間,取決於項目的規模和複雜性。 總體而言,一個完整的室內設計案可能需要大約3個月到1年的時間才能完成,具體時間取決於每個階段的工作量和項目的特定要求。然而,這些時間框架僅為參考,實際情況可能會因各種因素而有所不同。

DI: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer?

陳俊男 : 作為一個室內設計師,最常被問到的問題之一是: "您如何能夠幫助我實現我的設計願景?" 客戶通常希望知道室內設計師如何能夠理解他們的喜好、需求和風格,並將這些元素融入設計中。他們可能會詢問設計師的設計過程、專業知識和經驗,以及如何與客戶合作來創建一個符合他們期望的設計方案。

DI: Who are some of your clients?

陳俊男 : all introduced by friends or former customers.

DI: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why?

陳俊男 : 住宅室內設計:設計和裝飾私人住宅的室內空間,包括客廳、臥室、廚房、浴室等。 商業室內設計:專注於商業空間的設計,如辦公室、餐廳、商店、酒店等,注重功能性和品牌形象。 公共建築室內設計:設計公共建築物的室內空間,如學校、醫院、博物館、機場等,考慮到人流和使用需求。 翻新和改造設計:專注於將舊有建築重新設計和改造,提升空間功能和美感。 綠色室內設計:注重環保和可持續性的設計理念,運用綠色材料和設計技術來打造環保友好的室內空間。 奢華室內設計:設計高端奢華的室內空間,注重細節、材料和工藝的精緻度。

DI: What are your future plans? What is next for you?

陳俊男 : 擴大設計事務所:設立自己的設計事務所,擴大業務規模,接受更多挑戰性的項目,並吸引更多客戶。 專注特定領域:專攻特定類型的設計領域,如綠色設計、奢華設計、商業設計等,在該領域建立專業聲譽和獨特風格。 參與國際項目:拓展到國際市場,參與跨國項目,結合不同文化和設計風格,開拓全球視野。 教育和培訓:投身於教育領域,擔任室內設計相關課程的講師或導師,培育新一代設計師。 研究創新技術:積極探索和應用新興科技和設計工具,如虛擬現實、3D打印等,提升設計效率和創意表現。 參與社會公益項目:參與社會公益活動或慈善項目,利用設計專長幫助有需要的社區或群體。

DI: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself?

陳俊男 : Develop and design by myself

DI: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about?

陳俊男 : A health house for the elders

DI: How can people contact you?

陳俊男 : cjn72@sina.com

DI: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?

陳俊男 : Space design is a wide range of fields, covering architecture, interior design, landscape design and other aspects. Here are some important considerations and elements about space design: Functionality: The primary consideration of space design is to ensure that space meets its needs. Different types of spaces (residential, commercial, office, etc.) require different functional designs to meet the needs of users. Aesthetics: Space design should pay attention to aesthetics and design style to create a pleasant and comfortable environment. Elements such as color, materials, furniture and lighting all play a key role in aesthetics. Fluency: The design should consider the fluency and coherence of the space, so that people can move and interact more naturally and comfortably in the space. Sustainability: Modern space design pays more and more attention to sustainability and environmental friendliness. Choosing environmentally friendly materials, energy-saving design and reducing waste are important considerations for designers. Humanized design: Space design should take into account the needs and comfort of users. Humanized design can be achieved by providing ergonomic furniture, appropriate lighting and ventilation. Technology integration: In modern space design, technology integration is an important trend. The application of smart home technology, automation system and other technologies can improve the functionality and convenience of space. Space design is a comprehensive field that requires designers to consider many aspects to create a perfect space. Whether it is home design or commercial space design, the above-mentioned elements are important factors to be considered in the design process.