We, as the Designer Interviews ("DI") had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to interview award-winning, most creative and innovative Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka ("EDAWD").

Designer Profile of Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka

As a married couple of architects, Emilia and Walenty together create the DOM ARCHITEKÓW brand. In 2007, they started their business by building their own, pioneering wooden house with a studio. In 2011, they received the PLGBC Green Building Award for the best ecological project. It was a testing ground for testing the assumptions used in wooden construction technology and the zero energy consumption standard. Since 2007, they have specialized in designing wooden ecological buildings and buildings with the highest energy standards. Their portfolio includes both single-family houses and commercial facilities. In 2012, as designers and main contractors, they completed the first ecological and wooden house in their own, innovative modular system. In 2014, they built their own production of ecological houses. This is where their ecological modular houses are made. To manage the client's project "from design to key", they created the DA HOUSES collection. They developed an innovative JUST IN TIME house construction project and an original construction of a SOLID WOOD MODULE using solid wood in prefabricated house technology. The DA team creates/builds modular, ecological buildings tailored to our times. DA houses are open to nature and shape the lifestyle of their residents so that they live in harmony with nature. DA houses are mobile also with foundations. Their modular technology gives an extraordinary sense of security. It is a contemporary structure made of solid wood combined with the elimination of harmful building materials. Their education, pioneering experience and know-how, as well as the use of their own wooden house with zero energy consumption, allow them to design at the highest level, both in the design of the project and its implementation. In 2011, they were among the best Polish architectural studios. In the 2022 they have 1st place in the DSM AWARDS, category environmental for the design - DA HOUSE no2.

Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka Designs

We are pleased to share with you original and innovative design work by Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka.

The Da House Private Residential

Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka Design - The Da House Private Residential

Designer Interview of Emilia Durka-Zielińska and Walenty Durka:

DI: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer?

EDAWD : Yes, as children we wanted to become designers. We believe that it was largely influenced by what our parents did, but also by some internal need to create, already from childhood. This path was consolidated when we got to know each other and when we founded a joint design studio. Then everything worked out thanks to intuition. It cost us a lot of work and suffering, but it was consistent. Even when others said it wouldn't work.

DI: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio?

EDAWD : We are both a design studio and a house manufacturer. We build houses that we have designed for our clients. The idea of ​​​​such work was to assume "from line to key”. Even though the houses are modular, each one is tailored to the client's needs and the place where it will be placed. In this way, unique buildings are created that do not resemble mass-produced container buildings. The entire production is ecological and zero energy. We are proud of it

DI: What is "design" for you?

EDAWD : Like James Weeb said: „ An Idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements”. We took an old building material which is wood, and we used it in a new, modern way to build modern houses. We build prefabricated houses that meet current needs. Because design is supposed to solve problems posed by the our world.

DI: What kinds of works do you like designing most?

EDAWD : We like to design wooden constructions. For us, wood is a beautiful and versatile material. It allows you to create healthy and ecological buildings. Designing a living space that changes the perspective of our client's life, into a healthy and ecological life, is real satisfaction for us.

DI: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it?

EDAWD : Our favorite is Philip Jonson's glass house design. Just like we tried to do in our projects, it blurred the line between the inside of the house and the outside. We like to blur the space that divides the interior with the surrounding nature. Living in such a house teaches respect for nature because we become part of it.

DI: What was the first thing you designed for a company?

EDAWD : Our first idea was a wooden 3D frame frame an open structural design allows for free configuration. This allowed us to design space without internal structural barriers and to ensure the mobility of the facility.

DI: What is your favorite material / platform / technology?

EDAWD : Our favorite material is wood and prefabrication technology. On this basis, we have developed our own form of prefabrication in wood "Solid Wood module” - 3D wooden modules

DI: When do you feel the most creative?

EDAWD : Being in nature influences us most creatively. Every project requires concentration and silence, and this is undoubtedly what nature gives us. We chose a place among lakes and forests as a place to live and produce houses, so all we need to do is look out the window of our house. We actively use what surrounds us, whether by the water or wandering in the forest.

DI: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing?

EDAWD : On all of them at the same time. Architecture requires a holistic approach, every small element counts. A house is a machine that, apart from being beautiful, is supposed to provide us with comfort of life and be ecological in every aspect.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design?

EDAWD : We feel excited. There is a new problem to solve, because each house is a different person, a different place and different conditions to be met. We design with the hope that everything will fit together beautifully. That we will create a new, beautiful place to live... our client's dream place.

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized?

EDAWD : We feel proud. We finally created another work into which we put all our heart and strength. We build each house as if it were our own. So the end is like the birth of a new baby... our baby.

DI: What makes a design successful?

EDAWD : Truth. In our opinion, the project should primarily reflect needs, not only visions.

DI: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first?

EDAWD : First, we assess whether the project is fully thought out. From above we see where the vision has exceeded its purpose. We like utilitarian, modest and balanced designs. If something screams, there must be a reason.

DI: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment?

EDAWD : Broadly understood responsibility should be the basis of every business and undertaking. Today, not many companies are able to take responsibility for how they produce, which translates into the condition of our planet. We simply couldn't look each other in the eye and ignore reality. That's why we build from certified wood and certified wood-based materials, buildings with the highest energy standard, ecological from the purchase of goods through the prefabrication process, recycling at the end of the building's operation, i.e. its demolition. Houses must be adapted to our times and thinking about the well-being of generations. The health of our employees and future residents is also our responsibility.

DI: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design?

EDAWD : We believe that most of the basic design processes will be taken over by artificial intelligence. But we hope that in terms of art, which undoubtedly is architecture, there will remain space for human creativity and a sense of beauty. We can already see how prefabrication of houses will replace traditional construction. We are part of it ourselves. Where processes can be simplified, implementation time and costs shortened, unification will prevail. However, we are an example that unification did not destroy the artistic tone.

DI: When was your last exhibition and where was it? And when do you want to hold your next exhibition?

EDAWD : Our last exhibition took part in a competition held in Poland titled "intelligent architecture responsible for the environment" in 2018, where our project received a distinction.

DI: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations?

EDAWD : We are watching the achievements of world architecture. We anticipate and we learn Our designs are ahead of trends. What we create comes from within us. we create architecture the way we feel. Prefabrication is just becoming popular. When it comes to architecture itself, we still want it to be universal, to resist trends, not to get old and therefore ecological.

DI: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design?

EDAWD : Our exponent is "less is more". Our architecture is minimalist, simple, pure and timeless. The building's opening to nature is characteristic. Each of our houses harmonizes with its surroundings and does not try to outdo it. Open glass walls open up to the outside and give every user of the house equal participation with nature. We design holistically. We treat all aspects of the design process equally. Long ago, the architect was the main builder, we took this deeply to our heart.

DI: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country?

EDAWD : We live in Poland. Of course, the cultural heritage of our country affects our designs. We think this is the case with every designer. Our designs draw on the Polish simple building form of the „Polish barn”. Because we like its simple and expressive form, which can be found in many countries. So many nations feel a bond with it and it is commonly found in the landscape.In my country, the profession of architect has no rank. It is true that design is revived, but it always happens only when society becomes richer. We are just starting this process when it comes to architecture, art and broadly understood design.

DI: How do you work with companies?

EDAWD : We cooperate with many companies from the construction, crafts and interior design industries from Poland and Europe. For them, our activity is something new. Little by little we gain their trust and great interest. More and more often they see that we are part of a newly emerging market, the market of prefabrication and a finished product such as a house. Pioneers never had it easy.

DI: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer?

EDAWD : We believe that openness and passion is the most important thing here. Innovative designers must awaken desires and make dreams come true. A good designer is one who has extensive experience, a lot of practice (craft), must feel the material in which he works, have an open mind and common sense. Somewhere in all this he must, as we say, keep his feet firmly on the ground. And sometimes you're just born with this thing, this talent. And when he consolidates what he feels with experience, he can become a master in his field.

DI: Can you talk a little about your design process?

EDAWD : We start by setting limits. Just as working with a small space is extremely difficult, each project has its own framework that cannot be omitted. Houses are not built in a vacuum. A house will be built somewhere, for someone... how to build it, how to use it and how to finally remove it with the least possible impact on the environment are the challenges in our design.

DI: What are 5 of your favorite design items at home?

EDAWD : I guess we won't be able to answer this question, because our architecture merges with the interior. It gives the house character, the structure is visible, wooden walls immediately define the character of the house. All furnishing elements, such as wardrobes and the kitchen, are an integral part of the architecture. We just don't put them there. We try to make them fit together.

DI: Can you describe a day in your life?

EDAWD : Well... we get up in the morning and go from our house to the prefabrication hall 2 km away. There we design and build at the same time. We still have a view from the office of the house being built in the hall. The uniqueness of our work is that we are constantly on the "construction site". The construction of the house is constantly supervised by us, and the repeatability of solutions means that we can build at the highest level of craftsmanship. After work, we often go to the forest for a walk or kayaking. Our home also gives us a constant perception of nature, thanks to it we can rise to the challenge every day, after the so-called forest mound that cools our senses. When our employees go home, we often continue to devote our time to work. The life of a designer is a lifestyle rather than a job. I think each of us will admit it :) We just live it.

DI: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers?

EDAWD : As a young designer, I would like to know how much work awaits me. This is not a profession for the lazy. The work engages you for 24 hours and stays in your mind constantly. We don't have recipes for how to be good... what matters to us is the consistency of what we do. Tenacity has gotten us to where we are.

DI: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer?

EDAWD : As a designer, you can pursue your passion professionally. Unfortunately, you have to be persistent and hard-working. Patience will also help. After all, the effects of your involvement in the designer's work, as history shows, may come to you at the end of your life. Unfortunately, today's intense competition does not make the task easier. But you have to believe in yourself and derive daily satisfaction from a job well done.

DI: What is your "golden rule" in design?

EDAWD : Less.. cleaning of the project, at least in our case, gives the desired effect.

DI: What skills are most important for a designer?

EDAWD : We know what is important to us... the ability to combine experience from many fields, i.e. versatility. This allowed us to learn and draw from many areas to create an innovative brand.

DI: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.?

EDAWD : On a daily basis, we work in a Mac environment and using ARCHICAD software. We browse the Internet and have already gathered a large library of books and industry magazines.

DI: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time?

EDAWD : He is the one who manages me. It's hard to strike a balance. But as we have already mentioned, we chose areas rich in nature as our place of work ad live, so we have a place to get away and breathe, this would not be possible in a big city.

DI: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end?

EDAWD : It looks very different. As a rule, however, we return with the client to the first concept, the one that grew from our intuition. The first thought usually wins. This results from our intuition as a designer, but also from experience.

DI: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer?

EDAWD : Clients ask..What is the cost of a house? And this should not surprise anyone nowadays. Our product was created for this purpose, to clearly and immediately determine the budget. In our case of modular houses, it is quantifiable and plannable. This is a great advantage of this type of architecture. The client knows what budget he is building within. In the case of traditional construction, this is difficult to determine and usually the budget is exceeded.

DI: What was your most important job experience?

EDAWD : It was building your own green passive house, awarded by the Green Buildin Council of award as the best ecological house in 2011 in Poland. This is what we based our experience on in designing and building. We wish every designer such a beginning. We still implement what we managed to design in our projects today. We simply tested the assumptions ourselves and now we can confidently recommend these solutions to our clients.

DI: Who are some of your clients?

EDAWD : These are people who want to entrust the construction of their own house to a professional, busy people who do not have time to make a number of difficult decisions related to construction, often far from their home or abroad. We direct our service to such people. A house that can be built in a hall and ready (with furniture) can be transported with the foundations to any place. This is a solution for them and, we think, for everyone who wants to take the construction process lightly.

DI: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why?

EDAWD : We are able to work as a team, but it is our independent work that gives us the most satisfaction. Then comes the time of consultation and it turns out that we think the same. It's very nice to have the support of your own thoughts.

DI: What are your future plans? What is next for you?

EDAWD : We are not changing our plan. We stick to the original assumptions of running our own house manufacture. The challenge is to offer our houses intercontinentally and we have to start trying to do it slowly because we have an inquiry from Cape Town... We have no transport restrictions..but we'll see.

DI: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself?

EDAWD : As a married couple of architects, we work together and naturally complement each other.

DI: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about?

EDAWD : We are currently implementing another DA house in Masuria. This is a new challenge for us because we put together unusual parts of the building. This project also had to comply with the principles of the regional style of Masuria Region.

DI: How can people contact you?

EDAWD : You can contact us via e-mail, Facebook messenger or Instagram.

DI: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?

EDAWD : The topic of design probably cannot be finished. We would like to add that we are very pleased that we, as a small houses manufacture, are among so many great designers and projects at A'Design Award Competition