We, as the Designer Interviews ("DI") had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to interview award-winning, most creative and innovative Juan Ospina ("JO").

Designer Profile of Juan Ospina

Juan Ospina is an award-winning designer that helps make the World a better place with their original and innovative creations and advanced design works.

Juan Ospina Designs

We are pleased to share with you original and innovative design work by Juan Ospina.

Last Stand Office Gadget

Juan Ospina Design - Last Stand Office Gadget

Designer Interview of Juan Ospina:

DI: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer?

JO : When I was a child I grew up surrounded by many graphic design students, my mom alone was one. She inspired me conceptually doing great art projects, she gave me the best tools to learn how to conceptualize in such a special way I can't cover using words. Later on I mixed that passion for concepts with love for tangible products and decided I wanted to be an industrial designer.

DI: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio?

JO : OU design studio is a family studio based on customers insights, we cover all the experience behind every product. we use a lot of psychology into our insight hunting process. and we bring meaningul and eternal moments through design with all the info we gather.

DI: What is "design" for you?

JO : Design is to us language telling a story from an exterior perspective, and we as designers are called to help people remember these memories through our symbols and concepts. we revive already lived emotions and backgrounds.

DI: What kinds of works do you like designing most?

JO : physical projects

DI: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it?

JO : don't have one atm

DI: What was the first thing you designed for a company?

JO : My first job as an industrial designer was with a plastic injection brand. which focused on house goods and my job was to conceptualize 5 new ideas per day. The first thing I designed for them back then was a set of outdoor plastic furniture

DI: What is your favorite material / platform / technology?

JO : I use Solidworks a lot, however im trying to learn new tech all the time. My favorite materials are natural made such as wood, stones, ceramics and clays. I Love metal as well

DI: When do you feel the most creative?

JO : All the time, I'm thinking all the time all day long.

DI: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing?

JO : symbols and concepts. I hate ornamentation, and bad design. I'm convinced every design process should revolve around necessity+symbols+concept and they should generate a memory which will later on translate into a buying desire

DI: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design?

JO : I feel realized and curious about all the possible outcomes I can generate

DI: What makes a design successful?

JO : For it to generate a memory. if it's just a functional/aesthetic product it's not enough

DI: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first?

JO : Symbols, Easy to use, manufacture complexity, function, aesthetics

DI: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment?

JO : For society to raise dignity of all human beings through design, with environment to take into account the post use life of each product

DI: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design?

JO : The future of design is eventually to re design everything for something more legible and easier to use. It's a never ending story.

DI: When was your last exhibition and where was it? And when do you want to hold your next exhibition?

JO : In 2023 alone it's been exhibited at Italy, India and China. I don't know where the next one is but Germany, Uk or Denmark sound really nice to me.

DI: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations?

JO : Firstly my stories, secondly my memories, thirdly in the human insights present in human interactions.

DI: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design?

JO : I love minimalism, I'm convinced less is more regarding aesthetics, I'm to conceptual as well, dont like being focused just on the function and i loe modernism regarding most present manufacture processes. I focus on desgning special things not designing nonsense stuff.

DI: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country?

JO : I live in Colombia atm. I dont think my culture affects my design. The cons are a lot such as economics, material costs, tech limitation when it comes to manufacturing.

DI: How do you work with companies?

JO : I do a lot of remote work atm

DI: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer?

JO : Focus on the designers mentality, that'll show their commitment with design.

DI: Can you talk a little about your design process?

JO : I dream big and never let myself think nor say "that can't be done" then I just figure out how to do it, pay it, produce it etc.

DI: Can you describe a day in your life?

JO : I spend a lot of time with my family, and in the free times specially at night I design a lot of projects at same time

DI: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers?

JO : Never give up or let yourself say "it can't be done". Everything can be done, you just don't know how atm and don't let your stress eat you alive in the process. Do what you can while you learn what you actually can't

DI: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer?

JO : We dream a lot, that's both great and bad. Great because we like seeing things get done, that gives us a huge non words satisfaction, bad because somtimes we get so creative our queue grows a lot before we see final products done.

DI: What is your "golden rule" in design?

JO : Everything can be done, we just don't know how to sometimes

DI: What skills are most important for a designer?

JO : Being able to translate whats on their heads to a phyisicall product

DI: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.?

JO : Books for adequate processes searching, solidworks, 3d printing, etc

DI: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time?

JO : I do what I can and let go what I can't until I can do it

DI: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end?

JO : It depends on the project. 1 month-3 years

DI: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer?

JO : What's your best methods to do this and that.

DI: What was your most important job experience?

JO : Being a creative designer

DI: Who are some of your clients?

JO : Bachelor students, Robin Greene design studio, other peers

DI: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why?

JO : Sustainable design is a blast because you get to go beyond already known design, now having to take action on whats going to happen with the product when it becomes waste

DI: What are your future plans? What is next for you?

JO : Having more children, winning more design contests, placing different new products in market and creating a design district for newcomer designers and their beautiful work. Also wanna keep studying a lot

DI: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself?

JO : I ask my wife a lot regarding human interpretations of symbols and language, also ask my first born (now 2) to use every single prototype to make sure its safe for children to use as well as grown ups (unless the product is intended to be sharp and cutting)

DI: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about?

JO : I have many but their reserved atm

DI: How can people contact you?

JO : Through my phone, email, linkedin profile. I answer any.

DI: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?

JO : I make sure I rest, that's really important for my mental healt. Mental health is essential to keep growing as people